Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Third Assignment

I think my book's story is original, to me anyways- I haven't read many books.
This novel seems original to me because of two resons. For one, My book's theme is about the essence of good, bad, and prejudice. The big deal about this, and why I believe this story is so original in 'To Kill A Mockingbird' is because of it's setting and the year published. It's based in southern Alabama around 1932-1935 and it was published in 1960. A black man is in trial for rape. He is obviously innocent but it was impossible for a black man to win over a white man in court in the 1930's.
Secondly, there aren't many stories whether in books, musicals , motion pictures, etc. Prejudice is a touchy subject. Everyone's prejudice, about one thing or another. Not just any artist has the courage and wisdom to articulate injustice.
In this day and age, I don't think that an artist can make a completely new story. In one way or another, it's all been mentioned before. But if a new different conflict arises in this generation or later, then of course there could be new stories.

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