Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Second Assingnment

The main character of the book is Jean Louise Finch (Scout). Scout is a tough cookie. She likes fighting and defending anything that will hurt her pride. She's only 6 years old at the beginning of the novel but is fairly smart and wise for her age. - Her second day of school, Scout explained to the teacher why a student, Walter Cunningham, didn't have money for lunch. Scout told the teacher he didn't have any money for lunch because "he's a Cunningham." The teacher didn't like that very much and Scout already problems with the teacher the previous day so Scout beat up Walter in the school yard. Scout was also intellectual. She already knew hot to read by her first day of school. She's been reading since (God knows when) her brother says she was born reading.
In a way, I'm like Jem Finch, Scout's brother. Jem is protective with her little sis even though she can be annoying sometimes. Jem also doesn't give up even when the situation is incredibly difficult. Jem didn't make the football in try-outs but he stayed as water boy and tried gaining weight as the coach said. He also lives with one parent as I do, but in my case it's my mother. I would have to say that the only difference is that I am more social. Jem can be lonesome and not have a problem with it.
I'm Scout Finch. I see stubborn people. I see people who know the difference between right and wrong but don't always make correct decisions. I hear a samall town full of familiar people. Above all, I hear song birds. I smell dirt and fragrant flowers from miss Maudie's garden. I taste the fine food which Calpurnia works so hard to make. I taste dirt from playing around outside. I feel that almost all the town of Maycomb doesn't care if there's justice in this world because if they can't see the difference between good and evil, what can they see?

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