Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fifth Assignment

The project of my book is to fight off prejudice. The most tense part of the book is about the black man's trial, but the whole book has different forms of prejudice. The purpose of the book is to make us see things differently; from other people's eyes
The main conflict is the black man's (Tom Robinson's) trial. Tom is accused of raping a 19 year-old girl, Mayella Ewell. The evidence doesn't help the Ewell's case but how a white man always wins, Tom didn't have chance. Tom was found guilty and suffered a tragic death in prison while trying to "escape."
This conflict was full of racial prejudice. Although the project is mostly about prejudice in general, this is the main conflict of the book. This book is full of people jduging. It ranges from people judging children based on what family they come from, to judging a man's innocence based on his skin color. Scout and Jem Finch are hated by many of the town's people because their father, Atticus Finch, was chosen by the judge to defend Tom Robinson.- This is ridiculous, how could you judge a child, and call her father a "nigger lover" seeing it as a negative thing?
An element that contributes to the project is flashback. This story is told by Scout Finch, looking bach at the situation and what caused it. Prejudice is perceived in a much stronger sense when in the eyes of a child.

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