Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fifth Assignment

The project of my book is to fight off prejudice. The most tense part of the book is about the black man's trial, but the whole book has different forms of prejudice. The purpose of the book is to make us see things differently; from other people's eyes
The main conflict is the black man's (Tom Robinson's) trial. Tom is accused of raping a 19 year-old girl, Mayella Ewell. The evidence doesn't help the Ewell's case but how a white man always wins, Tom didn't have chance. Tom was found guilty and suffered a tragic death in prison while trying to "escape."
This conflict was full of racial prejudice. Although the project is mostly about prejudice in general, this is the main conflict of the book. This book is full of people jduging. It ranges from people judging children based on what family they come from, to judging a man's innocence based on his skin color. Scout and Jem Finch are hated by many of the town's people because their father, Atticus Finch, was chosen by the judge to defend Tom Robinson.- This is ridiculous, how could you judge a child, and call her father a "nigger lover" seeing it as a negative thing?
An element that contributes to the project is flashback. This story is told by Scout Finch, looking bach at the situation and what caused it. Prejudice is perceived in a much stronger sense when in the eyes of a child.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Fourth Assignment

1. Symbolism, metaphor, and allegory= "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb in his skin and walk around in it."
I believe this quote demonstrates all three of these elements because you can imagine the symbol. You can't literally climb into someone's skin. And this carries a moral significance. This quote foreshadows and prepares the reader for what's to come. This can strongly be connected to the black man Tom Robinson who is tried and foundy guilty though evidence statesotherwise.
2. Symbolism= The main character's last name, (Finch.) The book mentions several times how it is a sin to kill an innocent mockingbird. They say a mockingbird only causes joy with it's song, so it would be immoral and a sin to kill one. A Finch, as a mockingbird, is a small bird. The symbol here, Scout Finch representing innocence. She's only an innocent child as a mockingbird is innocent. Her innocence is how she views, (interprets) things. The reader is seing things through an innocent point of view.
3. Mood= The novel starts off mysteriously but alternates frequently. The novel starts like this seing how it's a flashback. Overall I would have to say the mood is mostly humorous. The mood is mostly like this because the story is being told from a child's point of view. Despite the serious trial going on in Maycomb, Scout doesn't understand why people are so worked up about it. Although the mood should be mostly tense, it's pretty relax. This is for the reader to feel how the narrator feels. Children don't always know the gravity of things. I believe this is part of a theme of the book: we should all have a child's innocence.
PJ- The project of my book is to fight off prejudice. The most tense part of the book is about the black man's trial, but the whole book has different forms of prejudice. The purpose of the book is to make us see things differently; from other people's eyes.

Third Assignment

I think my book's story is original, to me anyways- I haven't read many books.
This novel seems original to me because of two resons. For one, My book's theme is about the essence of good, bad, and prejudice. The big deal about this, and why I believe this story is so original in 'To Kill A Mockingbird' is because of it's setting and the year published. It's based in southern Alabama around 1932-1935 and it was published in 1960. A black man is in trial for rape. He is obviously innocent but it was impossible for a black man to win over a white man in court in the 1930's.
Secondly, there aren't many stories whether in books, musicals , motion pictures, etc. Prejudice is a touchy subject. Everyone's prejudice, about one thing or another. Not just any artist has the courage and wisdom to articulate injustice.
In this day and age, I don't think that an artist can make a completely new story. In one way or another, it's all been mentioned before. But if a new different conflict arises in this generation or later, then of course there could be new stories.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Second Assingnment

The main character of the book is Jean Louise Finch (Scout). Scout is a tough cookie. She likes fighting and defending anything that will hurt her pride. She's only 6 years old at the beginning of the novel but is fairly smart and wise for her age. - Her second day of school, Scout explained to the teacher why a student, Walter Cunningham, didn't have money for lunch. Scout told the teacher he didn't have any money for lunch because "he's a Cunningham." The teacher didn't like that very much and Scout already problems with the teacher the previous day so Scout beat up Walter in the school yard. Scout was also intellectual. She already knew hot to read by her first day of school. She's been reading since (God knows when) her brother says she was born reading.
In a way, I'm like Jem Finch, Scout's brother. Jem is protective with her little sis even though she can be annoying sometimes. Jem also doesn't give up even when the situation is incredibly difficult. Jem didn't make the football in try-outs but he stayed as water boy and tried gaining weight as the coach said. He also lives with one parent as I do, but in my case it's my mother. I would have to say that the only difference is that I am more social. Jem can be lonesome and not have a problem with it.
I'm Scout Finch. I see stubborn people. I see people who know the difference between right and wrong but don't always make correct decisions. I hear a samall town full of familiar people. Above all, I hear song birds. I smell dirt and fragrant flowers from miss Maudie's garden. I taste the fine food which Calpurnia works so hard to make. I taste dirt from playing around outside. I feel that almost all the town of Maycomb doesn't care if there's justice in this world because if they can't see the difference between good and evil, what can they see?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Book

I chose 'To Kill A Mockingbird' just because I've heard about it, but I want to know more.