Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Book

I chose 'To Kill A Mockingbird' just because I've heard about it, but I want to know more.


Anthony Noriega said...

not to be rude homie but uh.... that book doesn't appeal to me.. AT ALL. i think its the most uninteresting book next to anything Ernest Hemmingway writes, in my opinion. But i hate the movie worse. My teacher in 10th grade made us read the book, and watch the 6 hour long movie (exaggeration). But yea... its a good book. u should read it

Mr. Downing said...

The book's usually not the same as the movie, especially since it's about some racial issues and the movie came out when those issues were still much more severe.

I hope you like it

Anthony Noriega said...

too bad i was reading at a high school level when i was in 6th grade the time i was reading that boring book my brain had surpassed an after-college reading level. it was too simple for me to read. it reminded be of a kids book and therefore, bored me.

jacob sharrah said...

alert the "jabbawacki"! lol but yea, how to kill a mocking bird doesnt sound too interesting. but u never know until u read it. so have fun reading it.

-jacob sharrah

Anthony Noriega said...

when u were in 5th grade u prolly didn't even know wat post high school was. u prolly thought it was tha sign. besides when i was in 5th grade i was reading in japanese